Another Bluebird

So here we have a blue jay, which is of course a  passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to eastern North America.  If you know how to pronounce these words, and see a blue jay and want to impress the shit out of your friends, you can be like “oh man look at that […]

Blue Bird

Well, I have been into birds ever since I went to law school to become a bird lawyer.  No this is from a song that my cousin wrote about a blue bird and seeing a blue bird and then the song says “I’m just happy to be here” and so I drew this blue bird.  […]

Spooky Man

I don’t know man.   I guess I just want to say that this is NOT frankenstein… cuz that was the Dr… or whatever, right?   But look how this dude has those fucking sweet dunks on.  That’s nice.   I wish it was always halloween cuz I love sweatshirts and spooky shit and candy.

Cool Rainbow Tree

Rainbow Tree I ended up really liking this one.  I have always liked drawing the general outline or structure of a tree but have always fucked up the leaves and stuff.   Not totally dissimilar from people, I really just would rather make a cartoon than make something that’s fucked up looking and like quasi-real.   

An Actual Blowing Tree

a blowing trees sticker

Previous Next Let’s be honest. That is not a very good set of pictures.. But here we are.

Unaffiliated Space Man.

I don’t mean to sound like a total hipster but the reality is, space exploration is a total sellout sport.  Either you’re straight up working for a massive government agency, or you’re aligning yourself with people who like… buy twitter and shit.  It’s a loser’s game right now.   But hey man there’s a lot of… […]

Kool Aid Man, but angry

It’s exactly what I said it was. It’s that huge pitcher that’s….*(checks notes) made out of glass. and he… well, gosh this is embarassing I have never erally realized how weird this is. But he’s a big glass pitcher that busts through cements walls. I guess if you’ve never seen it… it’s probably challenging some […]

A Couple of Guys

Guy Smiley & Guy Fieri

OK so a pretty basic concept here. You think about people you really admire and how they have affected your life, and then maybe you draw them. Of all of the guys named Guy I can’t really think of two guys I care more about than Guy & Guy. Guy Smiley for his eternal optimism […]

Trying to Start Writing

OK well I have a lot of things to say and I’m going to try to start writing them down.   I drink a lot of coffee and I can type pretty fast so I think this should all be a raging success.  No, kidding aside, I was listening to a book about changing small […]