Looking out my boat window.

Adenoid, Mesothelioma and Other commonly misspelled words

Adenois Cystic Carcenoma. That was my best try at spelling it. I’ve had this disease for five years and there are still parts of it where I am just… clueless. That said, the correct spelling is Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. The day I found out I had it, I was told to NOT google it. The […]
The Second Part

This is the second part of the story and it covers from when I went to the Dental surgeon to the time that I takled to a nurse who said this wasn’t my fault.
Revision of Post on Home Page
So this is Chat-GPT re-writing my post. It sounds robotic. My Medical Journey Google requires ample content for ads, so I’ll share my medical journey, as it’s a significant part of my life. The Beginning: A Toothache It all started with a severe toothache. We were on vacation in Utah, and the altitude was causing […]
You Can Do It.

You Absollutely Can Do It.
Rock, Paper, Scissors

This is a really good way to settle things. Rock beats… uh, how does this go again? It’s complicated I know that.
Bee Well

Bee Well (be well) I’d say probably more than any other drawing on this site, this was the one I had in mind for the fund-raiser thing. “Bee Well” is something I can focus on and remind myself. I can make decisions to physically be well by getting outside or getting on a walk. I […]