Bee Well

Bee Well (be well) I’d say probably more than any other drawing on this site, this was the one I had in mind for the fund-raiser thing.  “Bee Well” is something I can focus on and remind myself. I can make decisions to physically be well by getting outside or getting on a walk.   I […]

Another Bluebird

So here we have a blue jay, which is of course a  passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to eastern North America.  If you know how to pronounce these words, and see a blue jay and want to impress the shit out of your friends, you can be like “oh man look at that […]

Blue Bird

Well, I have been into birds ever since I went to law school to become a bird lawyer.  No this is from a song that my cousin wrote about a blue bird and seeing a blue bird and then the song says “I’m just happy to be here” and so I drew this blue bird.  […]