Hi. This is the Stuff I Draw.
like this nice guy.
Thanks For Coming.
Jobs I’ve Had
I wrote this terrible quick summary of the jobs I have had. Here’s what that
Adenoid, Mesothelioma and Other commonly misspelled words
Adenois Cystic Carcenoma. That was my best try at spelling it. I’ve had this disease
The Second Part
This is the second part of the story and it covers from when I went to the Dental surgeon to the time that I takled to a nurse who said this wasn’t my fault.
You’re gonna kill it!
Jason’s job is just to get up and murder people. But I mean… everyone
Two Bodied Monster
Two Bodied Monster Yeah we’ve all heard of two-headed monsters. I mean, let’s be honest,
Blue Monster
The Making of the Blue Monster https://youtube.com/watch?v=RcNhSho_Hy8%3Ffeature%3Dshare
Shoe Monster
A Little Background on Shoe Monster This is a monster who has a problem. He
April 3
Hi everyone. I’m healing. I am very thankful for a successful surgery and what is
Stained Waiting Room
also just before you read this, I want to be crystal clear. Mayo is an
I Sell Websites.
unfortunately, this nonsense is not my job. My job is providing affordable websites to law firms.