Story Start

Story Start

Here is some content.  : )

Google won’t let me put ads on this site unless it has ample content so I guess I’m just going to start talking about my medical situation, beause it’s more or less what takes up my whole life anyways.  I will begin at the beginning.  I had a bad toothache.  I remember we were on vacation in Utah and the altitude was really killing my head and putting me in so much pain.  I came back from the vacation determined to finally get over my medical office and billing fears and get my ass (or more importantly my mouth) in to see a doctor.  

James (Very Bravely) Goes to the Doctor

I found an ENT who also did sleep studies, so I was interested in that because I was not sleeping without a tylenol PM.  In retrospect, I was also drinking way too much alcohol at the time to be able to expect to have a quality night’s rest.   

Blah blah BLah about alcohol

Anxiety and habits die hard and while I do still love some beer I am not waking up mad at myself anymore… found some good boundaries there.   Mostly just that I don’t really want to be drunk, and I certainly don’t want to be hungover.  Alcohol is a great beverage, or at least can be, but you really got to take it easy.  It’s always worth remembering that the effect you’re getting is literally your body reacting to poison.  So… less is… advisable.  People say less is more.  And with alcohol, it’s not.   More is more, but more comes with major consequences.  So just have less if that’s something you’re able to do.   In the absence of “less”… “none” is the right answer, not “too much” but you already knew that.   OK, I’m getting off this soap box I barely give a shit about it.  

Getting Back to the Topic at Hand

Anways.  Alcohol…toothache…. Doctor.  OK.   So I go and see an ENT (Ear Nose Throat for the uninitiated) and they start jamming stuff down my nose and into my throat and do all the expected things.  They reported that there was “something” in there but they weren’t sure what it was.  They wanted to do some more imaging or a biopsy… I dont exactly remember.  Let me fast forward to the biopsy because I have some very clear memories around that.  

James (even more bravlier) Goes and sees ANOTHER Doctor

So I go in to see a dental surgeon based on the recommendation from the ENT doc.  This guy was kind of a trip.  Just… really white male.   In that… “god Give me the confidence of a below average white male” way.   I don’t know.  It was weird.  He told me he was 99% sure it was NOT cancer.  I mean… what are the odds?   Just kidding.  They are terrible.   But whatever.   So he cuts me up to do the biopsy on a Friday and tells me to go and enjoy the weekend. ..   Story continues in this post…

Want to see something kind of fun? This is what Chat GPT had to say about this writing:

The story you provided has a conversational and personal tone, which can be engaging for readers. However, to improve readability and coherence, some restructuring and minor edits would be beneficial. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Introduction and Context:

    • Introduce the purpose of the story more clearly.
    • Briefly explain why you are sharing your medical situation.
  2. Paragraph Structure:

    • Break down long paragraphs into shorter ones to make the text less daunting and easier to read.
    • Use headings or subheadings to separate different parts of the story for better flow.
  3. Clarity and Conciseness:

    • Simplify some sentences for clarity.
    • Remove or rephrase any overly informal or redundant phrases.
  4. Grammar and Style:

    • Check for grammatical errors and correct them.
    • Maintain a consistent tone throughout.

Here’s a revised version:

Drawings & Words and Stuff

Jobs I’ve Had

I wrote this terrible quick summary of the jobs I have had.   Here’s what that looked like:  I worked at the renaissance festival when I

The Second Part

This is the second part of the story and it covers from when I went to the Dental surgeon to the time that I takled to a nurse who said this wasn’t my fault.

Table of Contents