You Are Enough

You Are Enough

In case your brain told you otherwise....

Your brain might be lying to you.

Especially if your brain is telling you that you are NOT enough. Not pretty enough, not strong enough, not working hard enough, not successful enough. We don't need to feel that way. You are doing a great job.

You are absolutely enough.

It's OK to put a little bit of pressure on yourself to do better. But once we start dwelling on how we "fucked up" we are moving ourselves backwards by being overly critical. We do not need to do this. We should be talking to ourselves the way we would talk to a close friend that we wanted to encourage.

Drawings & Words and Stuff

Jobs I’ve Had

I wrote this terrible quick summary of the jobs I have had.   Here’s what that looked like:  I worked at the renaissance festival when I

The Second Part

This is the second part of the story and it covers from when I went to the Dental surgeon to the time that I takled to a nurse who said this wasn’t my fault.

Table of Contents