Another Bluebird

Another Bluebird

So here we have a blue jay, which is of course a  passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to eastern North America.  If you know how to pronounce these words, and see a blue jay and want to impress the shit out of your friends, you can be like “oh man look at that Cyanocitta cristata” 

They are NOT going to know what you are talking about, but that’s what a bird flex is.  When you drop some facts about a bird that some casual bird watcher would NOT have access to.  That’s how you get respect in the bird-watching community.  

Look at the detail on this beauty:  

Drawings & Words and Stuff

Story Start

Here is some content.  : ) Google won’t let me put ads on this site unless it has ample content so I guess I’m just

Jobs I’ve Had

I wrote this terrible quick summary of the jobs I have had.   Here’s what that looked like:  I worked at the renaissance festival when I

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