Flower Skull Stuff

Flower Skull Stuff

I really like this one.   I know there are a lot of skulls… it’s because I am super tough.  I was born in a motorcycle bar and wore diapers made of barbed wire.  So, the skulls are just part of my lifestyle.   Check out this detail tho…   

That’s one thing I just love about drawing on my little ipad.   You can zoom way in and do all kinds of little details.   Now I have my pictures set up as the screen saver on my TV, and so all of the little details come through on the larger screen.   It’s a lot of fun.   I like my little drawings. 


Drawings & Words and Stuff

It’s Electric

You can feel it. But honestly, you probably should NOT feel it, because you will get electrocuted and that is really uncomfortable.

Great Thanksgiving Recipe

For thanksgiving I suggest two to six beers and just staying out of the way. Eventually things will work themselves out.

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