Revision of Post on Home Page

Revision of Post on Home Page

So this is Chat-GPT re-writing my post.   It sounds robotic.  

My Medical Journey

Google requires ample content for ads, so I’ll share my medical journey, as it’s a significant part of my life.

The Beginning: A Toothache

It all started with a severe toothache. We were on vacation in Utah, and the altitude was causing me intense pain. After returning, I decided to overcome my fear of medical offices and billing and finally see a doctor.

Seeking Help: The ENT Specialist

I found an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) specialist who also conducted sleep studies, which interested me because I couldn’t sleep without Tylenol PM. In retrospect, my excessive alcohol consumption probably affected my sleep quality. Although I still enjoy beer, I’ve set boundaries. I no longer wake up mad at myself, and I avoid getting drunk or hungover. Alcohol can be enjoyable, but moderation is key. Remember, the effects of alcohol are your body’s reaction to a toxin, so less is advisable.

The Diagnosis: ENT Examination

The ENT examination was thorough, involving instruments down my nose and throat. The doctor found “something” but wasn’t sure what it was. They suggested further imaging or a biopsy.

The Biopsy: Dental Surgeon Visit

Following the ENT’s recommendation, I saw a dental surgeon. This experience was memorable. The surgeon, confident yet somewhat dismissive, assured me he was 99% sure it wasn’t cancer. Despite the odds, his confidence was somewhat comforting. He performed the biopsy on a Friday and told me to enjoy my weekend.

Drawings & Words and Stuff


There are some floral patterns, but not a lot of depth to this one.  Just a celebration of the name James.   Pretty simple.  

Stormy Weather

Wiating for a biopsy is tough. Espeically knowing that after I DO the thing, it’s just going to be more waiting. My brain is not

October 5th Appointment Party

October 4 4 5 Waiting Appointment Party Well, I finally heard back from my scans.  We decided that the enlarged lymph node is enough of

October 3rd Wait Party

This has been a tough stretch.  What seemed like nothing has now become this big anxiety producing machine.   To try to sum up, I had

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